Create User Defined Voucher Type for Bank Payments in Tally ERP 9
We can create a separate Voucher Type for recording the Bank Payments in Tally ERP 9 Accounting Software. And it is the best way segregate Payment entries based on the Instrument type such as Cheque Payments or Cash Payments. Here is the way in Tally ERP 9 Accounting Software. We can create our own Voucher Types for such user defined requirements.
You can create as many User Defined Voucher Types as you wish. Here User Defined means which you create based on your own requirement. As well further you can restrict to show particular Group of Ledgers such as Bank Accounts Groups or select an exact Ledger Name for such payment such as State Bank of India Ledger by defining Classes in Voucher Type Creation/Alteration screen under Name of Class section.
- In Gateway of Tally screen select Accounting Info option.
- Voucher Types
- Create
In Voucher Type Creation screen give name as per your requirement here i want voucher type for cheques payments only so i gave it as Cheque Payments.
- Go to General section choose Payment from the List of Voucher Types for Type of Voucher option (Do not select other than that).
- Select any one of the following Types of Numbering for Method of Voucher Numbering option
- Automatic Type of Numbering will automatically assign a number for the voucher entry at the time of creating a Voucher.
- Manual will allow the user to provide a Number for the Voucher creation.
- Multi-user Auto will be similar to Automatic type of Numbering but it is applicable if Tally used in multi user.
- None type of Numbering will not give any number for your Voucher.
- Leave all the options as it is.
- Finally accept the screen.
Now you have successfully created Voucher Type on your own for your Bank Payments. If you want to further allow only Bank Ledgers in this voucher type then you need to create Define Class for the Voucher Type under Name of Class section in the Voucher Type Creation or Alteration screen.