Submitting Purchases, Sales, and Returns Details to Commercial Tax in A.P.
This is the first step in the process of submitting the Monthly VAT Returns in Andhra Pradesh state Commercial Tax Department website. And this procedure is called as Invoice Tracking System and started in April 2015 and made it mandatory on June 2015 onwards in Andhra Pradesh state.
In the Invoice Tracking System every VAT Dealer has to submit the Purchases, Sales, Purchase Returns and Sales Returns details electronically by logging into their VAT Dealer Account before they submit their monthly VAT Returns. Here Purchase details are called as Annexure I and Sales details are called as Annexure II. The VAT Dealer must keep the following points while preparing the Annexure I and Annexure II Excel Template files.
- The VAT Dealer has to submit the Purchases from VAT Dealers and the Sales made to the VAT Dealers within Andhra Pradesh state only.
- The VAT Dealer should not submit the Purchases from outside the Andhra Pradesh state and the Sales made to the outside the state.
- The VAT Dealer should not submit the Cash Sales and Cash Purchases
- The VAT Dealer should not submit the Purchase from TOT Dealers and Sales to TOT Dealers.
How to Download the Purchases, Sales, Purchase Returns and Sales Returns Excel Template files
The Commercial Tax Department has designed the Excel Template files for preparing the Purchases, Sales, Purchase Returns and Sales Returns details and every VAT Dealer has to fill the template files with the purchase, sales, and returns details. In the VAT Dealer account four different sets of Template Files will be available for Purchases, Sales, Purchase Return and Sales Returns.
In order to download the Excel Template Files login to your VAT Dealer account from AP Commercial tax e-Return portal.
- In the Home screen of the VAT Dealer Account click on Returns menu.
- In order to download the Annexure I Excel Template file click on Upload Purchase Details sub menu.
- And click on Download template for Purchases hyperlink and save the Purchases Excel Template file in your Computer System.
- In order to download the Annexure II Excel Template file click on Upload Sales Details sub menu and click on Download template for Sales hyperlink and save the Sales Excel Template file in your Computer System.
- For Purchase Returns and Sales Returns you will be having the sub menu available for the template files.
How to fill up the Purchases, Sales, Purchase Returns and Sales Returns Excel Template files
In order to fill up the Purchases details just open the Purchases Excel Template file downloaded from the e-Returns portal.
- Enter your TIN Number and Choose the month of VAT Return from the list of Months and enter the Year of the VAT Return.
- After that you have to record the Purchase details like TIN number of the seller, Invoice Number, Date of Invoice, amount of Invoice (Including VAT), Commodity, and VAT Tax percent.
- Provide the serial numbers starting from 1 and increase every record by 1.
So you have to provide the invoice details followed by a serial number. And for Sales, Purchase Returns and Sales Returns also you have to follow the same procedure but you have to open corresponding Excel Template files downloaded from the e-Returns portal.
How to upload the Purchases, Sales, Purchase Returns and Sales Returns details in VAT e-Returns Portal
After we have prepared the Purchases, Sales, Purchase Returns and Sales Returns Template files the VAT Dealer have to upload them from the VAT Dealer Account. In order to upload the Purchase details login to your VAT Dealer account from AP Commercial tax e-Return portal.
- In the Home screen of the VAT Dealer Account click on Returns menu.
- In order to upload Annexure I Excel Template file click on Upload Purchase Details sub menu.
- Click on Choose File button and select the prepared Purchases Excel Template file from your Computer.
- And click on Upload button and click on Yes button to submit the Purchase details.
Now you have uploaded the Purchases details in order to upload the Sales Template file
- In the Home screen of the VAT Dealer Account click on Returns menu.
- In order to upload Annexure II Excel Template file click on Upload Sales Details sub menu.
- Click on Choose File button and select the prepared Sales Excel Template file from your Computer.
- And click on Upload button and click on Yes button to submit the Sales details.
You can follow the same procedure for uploading the Purchase Returns and Sales Returns Template files but you have to choose the Upload Purchase Returns Details sub menu to upload the Purchase Returns Template File and Upload Sale Returns Details sub menu to upload the Sales Returns Template File under Returns menu. And the rest of the procedure is as same as in the case Purchase Uploading.
How to confirm the Purchases and Sales details in VAT e-Returns Portal
Now all the Purchases, Sales, Purchase Returns and Sales Returns details are uploaded and the next step is to confirm the uploaded details. In order to confirm the Purchases details login to your VAT Dealer account from AP Commercial tax e-Return portal.
- To confirm the uploaded Annexure I and Annexure II files click on Returns menu and choose the Confirm Invoice Details sub menu.
- In the Confirm Invoice Details screen select the month for which you are confirming the Annexure details and Choose Purchases for Invoice Type and click on Get Details button.
- If you find the List of Invoice details under Mismatch section rectify them before you confirm otherwise click on Confirm Invoice details button.
For the confirming the Sales also do the same procedure but choose the Sales under Invoice Type. Now both the Purchases and Sales details are confirmed. And this is the procedure of preparing and submitting the Invoice Details to the Commercial Tax Department in Andhra Pradesh State.
March 18, 2016 @ 11:16 AM
If you are selling from other state you have tell the other state seller to enclosed a Letter Head along with their Waybill and Invoice that the customer does not have the TIN Number and he is the direct customer.
March 18, 2016 @ 11:14 AM
hello sir this venky from kakinada i am selling commidity to poultry
in sale details entering they ask tin number of purchaser but there is no tin number for poultry so how to upload sale details.
April 5, 2016 @ 12:10 PM
Dear sir,
nice and very useful article,
I have a query ..we are not taking any ITC on purchase , then whether i need to enter and upload the all purchase details?
What is the procedure for filing VAT 200A and VAT return?
April 5, 2016 @ 12:11 PM
If you do not have any VAT Purchases you do not need to upload the Purchase details. And you have to submit the VAT Form 200A based on your Transaction related to in the report.
April 14, 2016 @ 5:14 AM
Dear Sir,
We are executing mechanical Contract works in Steel Plant. We are purchasing the Items with VAT and not selling the Items. However we are using those Items for Fabrication / Erection Works.
I have few queries on filing Return.
1. We have Purchased Items, so we will upload the Purchase details sheet
2. We are not selling the Items, but we are using the Items, so let us know whether we have to upload the sale details, if yes how can we prepare the sale details?
3. For our work, we are getting the service tax from our head contractor and we are paying that Service Tax Amount to Govt.
4. As we are already paying the service tax whether we can apply for the VAT refund of our Purchases?
So far as I can understand I should not pay both VAT & ST at a time. Please suggest otherwise.
April 14, 2016 @ 5:18 AM
As you are the consumer of the Goods you do not need to upload the consignment in the Sales Details of the VAT Returns. As per now Service Tax is different and VAT is different untill the GST is come into effect. And you can not avail the input of the Goods untill you sale them. But for some Capital Goods you can avail off the Input Credit in the VAT.
May 16, 2016 @ 12:32 PM
In Sales Annexure the VAT Dealer has to include only Sales to VAT Dealers and not Sales to Other than VAT Dealers.
May 16, 2016 @ 12:19 PM
I am a VAT dealer running a retail pharmacy,no problem with purchase component,but I sell in retail manner medicines to patients who will not have TIN number ,then how to submit sales details in excel ?
May 26, 2016 @ 5:55 AM
process of vat return of andhra predesh and Telangana is either same or different.
May 26, 2016 @ 6:07 AM
The procedure of VAT Returns submission is different.
June 1, 2016 @ 7:11 AM
Please make a video on telangana vat & cst return. If u do so It will help me very much Because I live in hyderabad so I need it.
June 1, 2016 @ 7:16 AM
Mr. Satish Goel,
We are eager to share the knowledger as much as i can i have only AP VAT Dealer Login Details with me to demo. Right now i do not have any Telanga VAT Dealer Login Details to give a demo on it. If you need to have information it is really my pleasure.
So, mail me your VAT Dealer Login details to my mail id and i assure you that it will not be used until unless your prier permission.
June 21, 2016 @ 4:48 AM
When uploading purchase details,I come across this problem..invoice has two items ,one item with 5% another item with this scenario how to enter the amount and invoice number in the excel template,with out any problem for uploading
June 21, 2016 @ 5:01 AM
Single Invoice having different set of Tax Rates is a common thing in practice.
For instance, Purchase Invoice No. 145 having the Total Amount of Rs. 1,45,820/-
in which 14.5% Tax Rate cost is 1,15,020/-
And 5% Tax Rate cost is 30,800/-
You can record this information in the Purchase Annexure Excel File to upload in the Commercial Tax e-Returns Portal.
You have to enter tow records one record for 14.5% Rs. 1,15,020/- and another record for 5% Rs. 30,800/-
And you will now record for Total Invoice Amount of Rs. 1,45,820/- in the Purchase Annexure.
It will not give any problem while uploading the Annexure file in the e-Returns Portal.
June 22, 2016 @ 11:15 AM
During the year 2015-16,we have uploaded sales details for september month but with wrong TIN NO:Hoew can we rectify the error?
June 22, 2016 @ 11:21 AM
You can rectify the error by submitting the Revised VAT Returns with the 6 months of the return month. In your case the Last date for Revised Return for September month is March 31st 2016. So, you are note able revise your September month. So, My advise is to prepare a Request letter to the Concerned CTO by explaining the reason what mistake in September month VAT Returns and Uploads happened. Submit the Letter along with the September month Returns Copy and get the acknowledgement.
July 2, 2016 @ 3:47 AM
Hello sir, I'm Anil from vizag. I'm selling goods to both registered and unregistered dealers of AP but when I'm trying to file the returns it was not accepting the unregistered dealers because of lack of TIN kindly suggest me how can I file the returns?
July 2, 2016 @ 11:54 AM
You do not need to upload the Sales to Unregistered VAT Dealers in AP VAT Dealer e-Returns Portal.
For more information read this article: Submitting Purchases, Sales, and Returns Details to Commercial Tax in A.P.
July 9, 2016 @ 7:42 AM
Dear Sir
The invoice uploading and modifications upto March-2016 will be closed by 15-07-2016 from RETURNS menu. my problem is in the month of SEP-2015 and i have uploaded purchase details and sales details wrongly…so it is showing invoices are mismatch. now can i upload the same month details within the dead line..
July 9, 2016 @ 7:44 AM
If there is any mistake found in the Invoices that you uploaded either of Purchase or Sales you can modify, delete, upload new Invoices for the period Jun-2015 to March-16.
July 9, 2016 @ 7:48 AM
hello sir i want to know how to modify/update the purchase details for the mismatch report
July 9, 2016 @ 7:51 AM
With the help of "Modify Invoice Details" sub menu under "Returns" menu you can modify/update or delete the invoices.
July 15, 2016 @ 8:10 AM
TOT Dealer must file a quarterly return and pay the tax due for each quarter ending June, September, December and March by the end of the following month.
For instance, June Quarter Returns to be submitted by the end of July month.
July 15, 2016 @ 8:08 AM
Dear Sir,I'm a TOT dealer.In how many days i have to file e return after paying quarterly turnover tax in online?
July 18, 2016 @ 11:11 AM
hi venkatesh sir,
1.what is basic limit for tot and vat dealers for registration?
2.sir if mismatches in uploaded invoices.. is there any procedure if not rectified before 15th july??
July 18, 2016 @ 11:19 AM
1. You can read about TOT & VAT Basics in this article What is TOT and how to apply for TOT Dealership?.
2. If mismatch is not rectified within the due date there is no other solution. All you have to explain the things and based on the explanation penalty and tax will be levied.
November 8, 2016 @ 11:38 AM
You can not change the TIN Number but you can cancel and re apply for fresh TIN in both the State. For more assistance contact me @
November 8, 2016 @ 11:35 AM
Dear sir,
I have a construction site in Vijayawada. But due to Andhra Telangana division there is problem regarding TIN Number while selling flats. Can I change My TIN number??? If so What is the procedure for that purpose
November 15, 2016 @ 4:10 PM
Mr. Jitender Kumar,
Thanks for your appreciation regarding my reply to the readers and come to the point that the VAT Dealer can set off the CST Liability against the VAT Input Credit in Form VAT 200.
November 15, 2016 @ 4:08 PM
Dear Mr. Venkatesh Said,
I request your expert advice on my issue.
1) I have purchased goods under AP Vat on VAT basis (VAT applicable is 5%) for which i have uploaded Purchase annexure.
2) I have those sold goods under CST Act to unregistered dealers without Form 'C' @5% for which i am not allowed to upload Sales Annexure since it is a Non-Annexure transaction.
My query is can i set off CST liability against Input VAT accrued in VAT purchase and also i want to know how to fill VAT200A in my case.
I observed that u have been replying to all queries sincerely hope that u will reply to my query too.
December 10, 2016 @ 3:13 PM
Hi sir,
I filed AP VAT return within due date. My query is whether it is compulsory to take aknowledgement of submission from the dept. As our Auditor is raising query for not taking the same
December 10, 2016 @ 3:17 PM
After the Online VAT Returns is introduced no VAT Dealers is required to get any personal Acknowledgement from the Department. You will get the online Acknowledgement for that. IF still having any doubt contact me through mail id.
January 10, 2017 @ 8:57 AM
Hello Sir,
I Purchase Seat Cover raw material from others and i will made the finished product and now i am selling this final product.My question is what is the name of the commodity in AP VAT as it is asking name of the commodity while uploading sale's invoice details in excel.
2.I want to know the rate of Seat cover as Per AP VAT.
3.I made sales both to the VAT dealers and ultimate consumer.Now when i am uploading it's asking the TIN of the Customer.As you said that no need to enter the details of Unregistered dealers and cash sales. i am having doubt in this regard then what should i do the amount of tax collected from the consumer.I thought we have to deposit the amount to the Govt. But where my cash sales and purchase are going to reflect.
January 10, 2017 @ 10:58 AM
You said that you purchased the Seat Cover which is raw material for your product and what is the final product of the process?
January 12, 2017 @ 4:24 AM
My query about how to change invoice details after confirmation of sales & purchases invoice template. by mistake i done too many wrongs in purchases template but with knowing that i confirmed invoice details (more then two invoice details i have to change ). please give me suggestion quickly.
Thank you
Thaseed Bahsa Syed.
January 12, 2017 @ 4:36 AM
Mr. Taseed Syed,
If the confirmed Invoices are having any mistakes still you can make the changes to the invoices by Unconfirming the Confirmed Annexures.
January 12, 2017 @ 11:43 AM
Thank you so much sir,
But am not able to find out the option for unconfirming the confirmed annexures. so please suggest me where is it available.
January 12, 2017 @ 11:48 AM
Under Returns menu you can find it.
January 21, 2017 @ 4:28 AM
Even though you have not used the Waybill you have to show it in the Books of Accounts and VAT Returns as well.
January 21, 2017 @ 7:06 AM
A ready made retailer purchased goods from other state and he received the goods without waybill as the same is not allowing from his TIN site because of advisory visit pending from VAT dept.Now while filing the return can he show the purchases from other state in vat return or not?
February 17, 2017 @ 5:11 PM
Do we need to upload the 14.5% vat and 5% vat separately or in single page we can pload both the details.
February 17, 2017 @ 5:11 PM
Dear sir,
I have a construction site in Vijayawada. But due to Andhra Telangana division there is problem regarding TIN Number while selling flats. Can I change My TIN number??? If so What is the procedure for that purpose
February 26, 2017 @ 6:08 AM
Just read the points thoroughly, it is correct and you do not need to show the Exempt Transaction in Annexure file but you have to show the figures in the Form 200A and 200 in respective fields. For further assistance contact to
February 26, 2017 @ 6:03 AM
Please clarify that only vat paid commodities are to be entered in the Purchase details of Vat Dealer and Sales for vat paid. Where to show the exempted purchases/sales from vat. You have mentioned in the procedure for vat returns filing that cash purchases and cash sales should not be included. How can I avoid for vat purchases or vat sales Please advise
February 26, 2017 @ 3:53 PM
Using the Modify VAT 200A option in Returns menu from VAT Dealer Account you can revise VAT 200A Form.
February 26, 2017 @ 3:51 PM
March 15, 2017 @ 7:39 AM
Sir iam from telangana i sold goods to andhra person he is a unregistered
Dealer what are documents should I carry while any check post officials were asked in ap please clarify briefly
March 15, 2017 @ 7:45 AM
As per the circular dated 10-03-2017 issued by the Deputy Commissioner (CT) of VIjayawada there is not need to get the Advance CST Waybill or Form 650 Transporter declaration when a Non Dealer is bringing the goods from outside the state into the state of Andhra Pradesh for his own consumption.
June 17, 2017 @ 4:58 AM
Respected sir,
recently cto department are issuing show cause notice u/s 21(3) of apvat act invoice mismatch report. in september 2015 our accountant failed to upload the purchase deatails of entire month which amounts to 23985858/- accordingly CTO department has treated it as purchase suppression and disallowed the ITC 1184794/- approximate. audit was conducted and completed upto october 2015. assessment order u/s 305 was also passed stating no differences found from previous audit date till october 2015. please suggest me how to handle and come out of this situation. they are treating difference between vat returns and invoice not uploaded details as purchase suppression. thanking you in advance. waiting for your valuable suggestion
June 17, 2017 @ 5:05 AM
Send me your contact details to our mail id : We will get back to you.
June 21, 2017 @ 2:04 PM
Hi Sir, Good Evening….!
Actually i am here fro asking query for my friend. hope you will clear my doubt.
1. My friend is running medical Agency he delivered stock first due to urjency and after one week he generated the bill (invoice) to medical shop.
2. he sent invoice via courier but unfortunately its not delivered and some where its missing.
3. Now he deleted bill from his records and generated fresh bill and sent to medical shop again but now medical shop owner saying no need bill since stock already completed .
4. Here is my question, My friend already submitted invoice in sales details online in the name of medical shop name but there is no invoice in purchase details from medical shop end
Is there any problem ?
June 21, 2017 @ 2:06 PM
Kindly contact to our experts at they will assist you in this regard.