Google Project Loon transforming the Tradition of Accessing Internet
I am the internet lover, i want to show my uniqueness in my work. And i feel it must be smarter and faster. I want to keep my profile as global as possible like bookmarking my places in Google Maps etc.,. When i visited Sangameshwaram Temple located in foreshore of Srisailam Reservoir i was trying […]
How to List our Business in Google’s Places for Business
Promoting our business in the electronic mode is one of the finest way to gain the local as well as global reputation. Through the electronic promotion of the business, you could get new customers. It is the cost effect way to promote a business product or service. Google has introduced a service called Places for […]
Google Wallet spread to even Gmail!
Google Wallet is the one of the most trust worthy online wallet, using which you can Shop online the gadgets, electronics, and even much more. All you need to have a Gmail account which is also used for the Google Wallet Account. You can’t start without adding a valid Credit Card. It might be of […]
Branch Transfer Accounting with Reports
A branch transfer is nothing but stock sent from Head Office/one Branch to another branch. Where as Consignment Transfer is sending the stock from either Head Office of Branch Office to its Agent. The Agent gets commission on the sale of Consignment where as Branch is the part of the organization. We can account such […]
Commodity wise VAT Reports in Tally
Tally ERP 9 enables you to check how much amount of VAT is levied on individual Commodity. Absolutely you can watch this under Statutory Reports in Tally ERP 9. Apart VAT Computation for a specific period you can see VAT Amount and information about each and every Stock Item using VAT Commodity reports. You can […]
Tally ERP 9 will generate VAT and TOT Return Forms
Are you facing problem in preparing VAT Return Forms for submitting to the Commercial Tax Department? May it would be Monthly VAT Returns Form, Quarterly Purchases or Sales Forms of VAT Dealers or TOT Dealers. Most of you would be doing this reporting by getting the various VAT Forms from the Commercial Tax Department and […]
VAT Register shows Detailed information
Verifying the Invoice details before submitting VAT Returns is the most important thing that a Tax Consultant must do. He/she must make proper changes to the Voucher entries of concerned Invoices in Tally ERP 9. So, to do this Tally Solutions has set a platform called VAT Register where all the Tax Invoices are placed […]
Sales Return (or) Credit Note VAT Entry
Sales Return transactions are entered through Credit Note Voucher in Tally Accounting Business Software Package. Here we are recording a Sales Returns transaction by taking Taxation and Inventory in effect. As this is the one of the accounting transactions, to record this in Tally it is grouped under Transactions in Gateway of Tally screen. Transactions […]
VAT Sales Entry including Transport Charges
VAT Taxable Sales voucher entry can be done using any one of two methods in Tally ERP 9 Using Voucher Class Without using Voucher Class For this you need to have Cash/Debtor Ledger, Sales Ledger, Output VAT Ledger, Stock Item (optional), and Sales Expenses Ledger (optional). In the first method you can directly make the […]
VAT Purchase Entry using Voucher Class Including Freight Charges
Taxable Purchase voucher entry can be done using two methods in Tally ERP 9. Using Voucher Class. Without using Voucher Class. For this you need to have Cash/Creditor, Purchase @ 5%, Input VAT @ 5%, Stock Item, and Purchase Expenses Ledgers. If you are maintaining account without Inventory then leave the Stock Item creation and […]
VAT Adjustment Voucher Type Class
Tally ERP 9 providing the automated VAT Adjustment entry for it’s user by just creating a Journal Voucher Class, which is know as VAT Adjustment Class. To do so you need to alter the Journal Voucher. Most of you would know why need to create this class? We would get the same Accounting Treatment for […]
Voucher Type Class for Sales @ 5% VAT
It is the error driving method that directly entering the Sales Voucher entry for VAT Calculation in Tally ERP 9. While selecting appropriated VAT/Tax Class from the list of Tax Classes, the Data Entry operator would be tempted to select the wrong Class in a hurry. Even he would select Sundry Creditor instead of Sundry […]