How to take Online Statutory Forms from AP Commercial Tax website?
The process of obtaining the Statutory Forms like CST Way Bills, VAT Way Bills, and C, H, F Forms has been simplified by the Commercial Tax Department of Andhra Pradesh State. The Dealers are not required to visit their local CTO for these Statutory Forms. You can get them on 24×7 days in every month […]
Submitting Purchases, Sales, and Returns Details to Commercial Tax in A.P.
This is the first step in the process of submitting the Monthly VAT Returns in Andhra Pradesh state Commercial Tax Department website. And this procedure is called as Invoice Tracking System and started in April 2015 and made it mandatory on June 2015 onwards in Andhra Pradesh state. In the Invoice Tracking System every VAT […]
Who is Sundry Creditor in the Balance Sheet as per Accounts?
The term Creditor is commonly used word in Accounting, and Finance field. In general practice the word Creditor is used as Supplier, Owner, Lender etc., A Creditor is also referred in Trading, Business prospects. It might be either living entity like a Proprietor or a corporate sector like a Private Limited Company or Multi National Company. Sundry […]
How to learn Tally.ERP 9 without purchasing the License?
Tally.ERP 9 Software has come up with two different modes such as Licensed and Education. Whoever wants to learn Tally.ERP 9 Software can use the Educational version without purchasing the Serial Number. Education Mode is a non-licensed version of Tally.ERP 9, using which you can learn almost all Tally.ERP 9 Features. It is highly cost […]
How to update Tally.ERP 9 with latest Statutory Updates?
With the co-operation of various States, Territories and Central Government Taxation Departments Tally Solutions Team updates the Tally.ERP 9 Accounting Software with latest Statutory Forms to submit through Electronic Filing System and generating the Statutory Reports like Monthly VAT Returns Form 200 in case Andhra Pradesh State. Whenever an amendment is made for Taxation irrespective […]
How to learn Shortcut Keys in Tally.ERP 9 for faster working?
Knowing the Shortcut Keys of a Computer Software is very important for the Operator. Likewise, Tally.ERP 9 is also having the Shortcut Keys. If the User is familiar with the Shortcut Keyes in Tally work will be finished faster than before. Tally.ERP 9 has been designed to smooth functioning of accounting. In further to fasten […]
What is Table Search and Contains With Search in Tally.ERP 9?
Tally.ERP 9 Accounting Software having the Search Facility to enable the user to filter the Ledgers, Groups, Inventory, Voucher Types etc., When the user enter a text in the field for the selection of an item from the list he will get a filtered list based on his text entered in field using the Starts […]
How to change Ledger setting and information in Tally.ERP 9?
After a Ledger has been created in a Company the user can change the settings or add some information about the Ledger in Tally.ERP 9. If there is no Voucher Entry found in the Ledger Account Statement the user can delete the entire Ledger from the Company. When a Ledger is created it will be […]
How to create Simple and Compound Units in Tally.ERP 9?
In Tally.ERP 9 Inventory Software we have to create the Units to measure the Stock Items in the Books of a Company and the software allows us to create Simple Units for normal counting and Compound Units for complicated Stock Items calculation. When we record the Purchases or Sales in the Tally.ERP 9 with Stock […]
How to create Groups and Displaying the List of Groups in Tally.ERP 9?
Tally.ERP 9 will be having the 28 pre-defined Primary and Sub-Groups, out of which 15 are Primary Groups and 13 are Sub-Groups. Apart that we can create our own set of Groups using the Group Creation screen. In Tally ERP 9 there are two kinds of Groups for Ledgers. The first one is Pre-Defined or […]
Prerequisites for Installing Tally.ERP 9 Accounting Software.
There are some important things to be considered while installing Tally.ERP 9 Accounting Software in your Desktop Computer or Laptop. The user has to keep the check list before installing the Software. Before installing Tally ERP 9 Accounting Software you must know the few things. Tally.ERP 9 Application Software is a Platform dependent and it supports only […]
What is Tax on Turnover (TOT) and how to apply for TOT Dealership?
Before the Value Added Tax(VAT), there was General Sales Tax(GST) in force and it was common to all business people irrespective of business turnover. But after the introduction of VAT it become as a complicated issue for small merchants to pay the Tax on Sales and to maintain the Books of Accounts. Form VAT 001 […]