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  1. Venkkatesh K
    April 30, 2014 @ 12:17 PM

    Hi Visitors,

    If some one find the error message : "You have not registered in CST Act for the selected commodities in the excel file" while uploading the C Form Utilization file in the CDSC portal it means that specific commodity mentioned in the Excel file don't entered in your TIN Certificate i.e. VAT Certificate. You can find the list all commodities available for CST Act at the end of the certificate.

  2. Prasad Bobby
    September 2, 2015 @ 3:31 PM

    What is the difference b/w C-Form generation and C-Form utilization certificate. Are they both the same?

  3. Venkkatesh K
    September 2, 2015 @ 3:43 PM

    Mr. Prasad Bobby,

    Earlier VAT Dealers used to obtain the Blank Manual C Forms from the CTO. Later based on the CST Purchases the VAT Dealers used to issue the Manual C Forms to the Sellers. After issuing the C Forms the VAT Dealer must submit the C Form Utilization Certificate to the CTO.

    But right now this procedure is removed and the Online System is introduced for issuing the C Forms and this is called the C Form Generation.

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